10 Personal Development Tips That Will Make You a Top Affiliate Marketer
Are you just starting as an affiliate marketer and want to prepare yourself in the best possible way?
Then welcome to our exclusive club, where you will get a brand new lifestyle with much more freedom!
If you succeed and make the cut, you will be in complete charge of your own life—no more working from nine to five and being accountable for someone else.
To get you started, I want to introduce you to my ten personal development tips that will make you a top affiliate marketer, so let’s get ready to rumble.
The Touch of Freedom
Feeling the touch of freedom and being my own boss kept me moving on when I first started with digital marketing.
It was difficult because back then, it was hard for family and friends to understand working online. They would ask questions like; How is it possible to make money online if it is not illegal? Or another question like; Are you selling porn online? The hell no, I am not.
If I tried to explain what I was doing, Selling other people’s products, they would often end up with a big question sign in their heads.
I refused to let it stop me because as long as I believed in it, I would be ok.
Some of the most important things I learned then kept me moving forward. Now I am going to pass them on to you. So you, too, can get started building your busy online as an affiliate marketer.
Believe in yourself.
Let’s start with ten personal development tips that will make you a top affiliate marketer.
Don’t let anybody Push You Down.
It’s so easy for people to try to push you down when you are doing something they want to do. But they are stuck with their job, trapped in their own comfort, living a life they are unhappy about.
They criticize and intimidate you because they do not have the same guts as you do. For people, sometimes even family and friends, it is a lot easier to push you down rather than use you as an example to change their own life.
When you start as an affiliate marketer, you will spend a lot of time with yourself in front of your computer, working in your home. It takes a lot of guts, and you must be stubborn enough to stay there and believe in your actions.
Find Your Affiliate Marketing Path
One reason affiliate marketers fail before making a living is that they suffer from information overload.
There are tons of ways you, as an affiliate marketer, can make money online. You have to create and follow your path. It is easy to get excited about something and blindly jump from one make-money method online to another.
In the beginning, please spend some time thinking about what you are good at and which way you want to go, and stick to it.
When you master one or two methods to make money online, like SEO and Email marketing, you can always grow your business and create the next-to-make online money stream. It can, for example, be spreading your marketing efforts to social media or media buying.
But, if you do them all at once, you will not be able to stay focused enough to learn.
Also, take a closer look at my article Are You a Number or a Heart-Based Marketer? It will also help create your affiliate marketing path and what you have to focus on in the coming years.
Don’t Fall Into Getting Rich Quick Schemes
I am a great believer in creating your path, staying on top of your own game, and becoming independent.
When you can create your own business or whatever you want with your bare hands, it will give you genuine and authentic happiness, create value for you, and the rewards will follow automatically.
Clayton Christensen discusses this in his book “How Will You Measure Your Life?” Herzberg’s Motivators where there are hygiene factors and motivators.
Hygiene factors include compensation (the money you make), status, security, work conditions, and even how many likes you have on Facebook. These factors will make you feel comfortable but will not satisfy you. The happiness you are getting from hygiene factors is short-lived. If you buy a Ferrari and love it for 5 minutes, it will no longer satisfy you, and you will want a Lamborghini instead.
Motivational factors include challenging work, recognition, responsibility, and personal growth. You will love yourself and what you are doing more if you focus on your motivators.
If your money is your motivation, it is your business driving you and not you conduct your business.
However, ensure to incorporate hygiene factors; just don’t let them take control. Your compensation is still vital since we are doing this to make a living.
Getting Rich Quick Schemes sells on the promise that getting rich fast will give you freedom and happiness, but it is invalid. Don’t depend on money; rely on yourself.
See Your Affiliate and Digital Marketing as a Business
It is your business. It is your baby. Affiliate and digital are real businesses, and treating them as a business can be pretty lucrative. Make business plans and ask yourself where you are in a year, five, yes, even ten years from now.
So, when you go to work in the morning, in your office next to your bedroom, get your pajama off and get dressed for work.
It may sound crazy, but many working-from-home people say they are more productive when they get dressed for work.
Avoid Other Affiliate Marketers Intimidating You
Recently I was at a webinar with some guys trying to sell me their products related to getting backlinks to my money sites.
These guys kept trying to intimidate me into buying their product instead of using someone else. They kept saying that Google would punish me if I did this, this, and that. And therefore, I should buy their product to avoid being penalized by Google.
I do know a lot of new guys in affiliate marketing where this type of nonsense intimidates them. Only trust your judgment; it may be right or wrong, but it is your judgment and your decision. It would be a learning experience if it were wrong, and you will move forward anyway.
Remember, no one should try to intimidate you into buying their products, using Google as an excuse. In my case, two guys versus 61,814 employees worked for Google in 2016, according to Quora. More than 23000 employees were in research and development, so don’t tell me that two guys trying to sell a backlinking product know better.
Get Some Mentors
It is always a good idea to have mentors and someone to look up to when you want to push your affiliate business forward.
It is excellent if you can have someone in person, but you don’t have to. Reading your mentor’s books and following them online can be just as great, mainly because you will have more time to dig into their knowledge, compared to thirty minutes meetup. Besides that, you can always ask them questions by email; some will be more than thrilled to respond.
When choosing your mentors, you should have some requirements your mentors have to live up to. Don’t just take whatever for granted because you got fascinated by a blog post.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the requirements I recommend you have.
Mentors That Have Failed Their Business and Have a Story to Tell
It is much more giving to follow someone who failed their business or their personal life, for them to stand up and be able to move forward and start over. Those mentors will give you the golden nuggets; you can use in whatever life experience you create for yourself.
Have Mentors from Different Fields
Your mentors don’t have to be from the same line of business as yours. It can be whoever you want, from Winston Churchill, and Dalai Lama, to Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, or James Altucher.
Mentors That Are More Than a Get Rich Quick Scheme
No, mentors in red Ferraris with chicks sitting in the back seat, waving with dollar bills, are no mentors.
Mentors That Inspire Your Motivation and Not Your Hygiene Factors
As we just talked about before, you have hygiene factors and motivators. Your mentors should encourage you to do personal growth, develop your business, etc.
Again avoid the guy in the red Ferrari.
Have Someone You Disagree With
Another great concept of having a mentor is to follow someone you disagree with entirely. It can sometimes open your eyes and widen your horizon in an unexpected way that will do you good.
Read Books
Make sure to read books that will feed you with knowledge and inspiration. Don’t read books to solve problems you may have with your business, but read books to give you the tools to solve your problems and grow your business.
The books you are reading can be everything from biographies to how to improve your persuasion skills and sell better.
Does it make sense?
Staying Healthy – Most Important For an Affiliate Marketer
Take a look at the profile pictures of leading experts in digital marketing. Then see the same people as guest speakers at conferences, and you will notice they often are 20 to 30 pounds heavier than when they took their profile picture years ago.
When I got started in this business, I got fat too. My previous jobs were in Television and later as a personal trainer. Exercising became hard to keep up with because I wanted to spend a lot of time learning digital marketing.
But the great lesson here is if you are unhealthy, you will not enjoy any of what you are creating with your new lifestyle, and you will burn out.
Unfortunately, affiliate and digital marketing do not burn a lot of calories. And you will not build lean muscles typing on your keyboard either.
Make sure to prioritize health in your daily life. Exercise a couple of times during the week and eat healthily. It is also great because you spend a lot of time in front of your computer, so seeing real people is excellent.
If you have difficulties making the time for exercise, you need to plan your tasks and routines better.
Sorry to say, but here there are no excuses.
Get Plenty of Rest and Sleep
Life is not only about work, building affiliate marketing businesses, and making money online. Make sure to have time off and do stuff you like to do. Becoming a top affiliate marketer will give you the freedom you didn’t have in your nine-to-five job.
If you tell me that you only sleep 4 hours every night because you are working so hard on your business?
My advice to you is to get some more sleep!
If you work 20 hours a day, my guess is also that you are not that productive in at least 12 of these hours. Becoming more effective and using your time right is another topic I will cover later in my blog.
Ram, bum, here you got ten personal development tips that will make you a top affiliate marketer. I started with five but ended up with ten tips. Take them as a bonus; I will not delete them because they can help to grow you and your business.