11 Questions You Must Ask to Become Your Best Self

11 Important Questions to Ask to Become Your Best Self

Last Updated on December 30, 2022 by Martin

11 Questions You Must Ask to Become Your Best Self

Do you really have what it takes to become your best and extraordinary self? Or are you following the same path as 99% of all people do?

There is nothing wrong with doing that, being ordinary. But if you want to achieve something extra in your business, in life, as an explorer, as a person? There is always time for some improvements!

Take a closer look at these 11 pieces of advice I have made for you! How many of them are you currently practicing in your daily life, your business, and at a personal level?

Get started by answering as many of them as possible, use them in your life, and you will be well on your way, to becoming your best self!

Always Be on The Lookout to Solve Things Differently

If you have your own business, this may sound counter-intuitive because you still want to solve different tasks as efficiently as possible. But what if you could solve them better and more efficiently? The only way to find out is to make the space for some testing.

Giving yourself the space for some testing to see if you can do your tasks more efficiently. For business owners and entrepreneurs, it is a great way to evolve and become better at what you are doing instead of “business as usual.”

Do You Have a Clear Vision for the Future?

No one can predict the future, but you have a bright idea of where you are in a year, five, and ten years from now. No worries, you will change your plan on your way, and that is OK too.

But you must have a clear plan and vision for your future.

On your way, keep asking yourself how you feel and if you are on the right path.

Do You Know Your Strength?

It is best if you have a business where you are using all your strengths and capabilities. When you are using them, you will merely become happier and become more respected.

Working using your strength will also make you become more efficient and give you that boost to make you become a market leader.

But What About doing The Dirty Work?

Unfortunately, we also have to do all the dirty work including tasks we don’t like to do or are not good at. Here, outsourcing and delegating jobs can be a solution.

Are You Willing to Take Risks?

Being willing to take risks to get what you want is a huge plus when you want to achieve something in life, business as well as private.

I am not saying that you should sell everything you have and put it in your business. I am talking about balanced calculated risks where you are not risking more than you are willing to lose.

Not taking these risks and you might end up regretting it for the rest of your life.

Imagine if Steve Jobs was not willing to take risks with Apple?

Do Your Examination

You should never jump straight into it, taking the risk. Do your examination carefully, see what you can win and lose from taking the risk and determine if it is worth it.

But of course, sometimes the risk becomes less calculated, and you can end up losing more than you expected. At this point, you just have to trust yourself and your judgment.

Are You Afraid of Failure?

Unfortunately, it is not all societies where there is room for failure. Some parts of the world past failure will keep hunting you for years and prevent you from starting over.

But the fact is, failure is something you can learn from, and if you use the knowledge correctly, it will also make you stronger.

So if you fail; stand up brush off the dust, and move forward. Now you are more knowledgeable than before the failure, and it is easier to become successful.

Are You Treating People with Respect?

Always treat other people with respect, no matter where they come from. Yes, even people you don’t like. Remember they just think differently than you do, good and bad.

Do You Have a Beginners Mind?

New problems demand new solutions! Never take for granted for you did in the past will solve your problems today.

It is essential to be able to have a fresh mind and be willing to learn to see things in a new perspective and be able to solve the issues.

Gone are the days where you could use the exact same solution to solve issues for years.

Are You Open to Learn Something New Every Day?

Continous education is a must, especially today where technologies are moving so fast. You just must keep educating yourself in your field so you will be able to stay on top.

The good thing is that you don’t have to return to school or spend hours in a library. There are a lot of excellent sources for continuous education online. Just take a closer look at sites like Ted Talks where you can hear about creative ideas to solve world problems. Also, check out Udemy, a learning platform where you can learn everything from programming to real estate.

Personally, I like to learn something new on the fly, like listening to Podcasts while I am working or watching an Udemy course while I do my cardio in the gym.

Are You Self-Conscious?

Do you really know yourself and what you stand for? I am pretty sure you have no issues saying a lot of positive things about yourself! But what about the negatives, can you tell others about them?

Honestly, it does not matter what other people are thinking about you. More important is that you are self-conscious and have self-respect. Often we marketers and entrepreneurs are in a situation where the market and people not yet have adopted our ideas and trends.

People may even tell you that you are a madman, but a genius tomorrow.

What You Must Do

Make sure to become self-conscious and get yourself better to know. It is also essential that you work on increasing your self-esteem.

Do You Know How to Say Thank You?

Appreciation and be able to say thank you are two important traits. Remember, it will all come back to you tenfold. Saying thank you is not something we only do on Thanks, Giving, or similar holidays but something we should do every day.

Can You Forgive Yourself?

Don’t be too hard on yourself, even if you are not mastering all of the above. Again, it is a continuous learning process, and it is essential that you are having some fun on the what.

When you make mistakes, don’t be too hard on yourself and maintain a positive mindset. Every time it happens, take a look at yourself in the mirror, smile and tell yourself “I Forgive you.”

Getting Started to Become Your Best Self

Write these 11 questions down on a piece of paper and go thru the list every day to see how many of them you are using.

Keep asking yourself the questions daily and start to compile some right answers for them.

To become your best self, it is more important to reflect on each of these questions than to come up with a spontaneous answer.

Don’t Forget to Check Out These Articles

Want to learn more about personal development, building a business, and becoming better at working from home? Here are some of my articles that I recommend you check out!


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